Islamic Civilization Park (TTI)           
Second day of the trip, it was a day which I was waiting for visiting Islamic civilization Park or Taman Tamadun Islam (TTI). At 7:00 am, leaving the hotel, we faced the cold fresh air with bright sky which was fogged on the early morning, affected our faces be cheerful and I was surprising that my friends’ dressing beautifully fulfilled this trip with colourful. While we were waiting for the bus to TTI, we merrily photographed at the front of the hotel. For a while the pretty bus was coming slowly to park over us, my heart beaten like a drum being beaten involuntarily- it was the time for TTI. Everyone rushed into the bus and hastily sat on their soft seats; shortly the bus left its park and ran along the long street. A moment there was drizzling rain and I was afraid my trip would be joyless. For a few ten minutes the bus stopped at the front of a small shop for having breakfast, I got off the bus and ran very quickly through the falling rain to the shop. I ordered only two of Roh-Tee and a cup of hot tea because I was unfamiliar with Malay food. I took a sip of hot tea while I was waiting the Roh-Tee. After breakfast the bus ran carefully on the wet street amid the heavy rain. At the roadside, I could see nothing clearly because the stream on window surface flowed continuously caused it unclear.

            A little while, it stopped raining and there was shining of the sunlight, the smile appeared on faces of each person, our trip would continue without rain. But it was not like that, a few minutes before the bus stopped at the front of TTI, there was drizzle. We took off the bus amid drizzly rain to the door of TTI building where we stamped passport for entering to visit Islamic Civilization Park compiled the renowned mosques around the world such as Abu Nasr Parsa Mausoleum, Afghanistan; Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Brunei; MinaretofXian, China; Mohammad Ali Mosque, Egypt; Taj-Mahal, India;  Al-Manar, Kudus Mosque, Indonesia; Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Iran; Minaret of Samarra, Iraq; Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem; National Mosque, Malaysia; Agadez Grand Mosque, Niger; Badshahi Mosque, Pakistan; Kul Sharif Mosque, Russia; Al-Haram Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Al-Nabawi Mosque, Medina, Saudi Arabia; Sultan Mosque, Singapore; Alhambra, Spain; Aleppo Citadel, Syria; Pattani Mosque,Thailand; Great Mosque Sidi Uqba of Kairouan Tunisia; Suleyman Mosque, Turkey; and Kalyan Minaret Mosque, Uzbekistan. Also it was educational place, showing the information of each mosque to the visitors.
            The time for visiting TTI-- monuments of Taman Tamadun Islam, we walked through the gateway. We could touch the environment of Islam and see the beauty of each mosque -- it had the different beauty, depended on the design of each country. So that it was attractive and I was not delay to visit them. We got on the small train; it took me to stop at the first mosque, National mosque, Malaysia. Before our visiting, we saw video about its history at the room under the building of Negara Malaysia mosque.
            The main point of Terengnganu trip was that photography. Surely, it was on the visitors’ mind and also us. We permitted ourselves to be glad and photograph amid the drizzling rain falling rain constantly. In ordering, we took photograph of very mosques one by one until the last mosque -- Kul Sharif mosque, Russia.
            In the afternoon we had lunch at Bbeteng Restaurant & Food Court of TTI, it located near the river and there was long corridor which was flanked by a balcony to Crystal mosque where we prayed Suhri before we backed.
            Crystal mosque stood prettily alone near the river. It twinkled when it was touched by the sunshine. Of course, it was told spread widely. 

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